Friday, February 26, 2010

Susu sudah basi =(

Apa la malang nasib aku.. Petang tadi aku pegi Tesco nak beli brg.. Dah beli mcm2 brg teringin pulak nak choco milk.. Rembat la satu HL marigold.. Balik rumah baru je tuang susu tu dlm cawan, aku dah bau semacam.. Ingatkan takde ape2 la.. Baru agak2 nak masuk dlm mulut aku dah rasa lain macam.. Susu tu memang tahap bau masam mcm susu basi.. Langsung membantutkan selera aku nak minum..

Yg aku pelik..expiry date kat kotak susu tu trang tang tang tulis 12 Mar 10 (tgk pic kat bwh).. Mcm mane la bleh kena kat aku susu basi tu..

Terpaksa la aku pegi balik ke Tesco utk tukar balik susu tu.. Haizzzz... Lepas ni dah jadi takut lak nak beli air susu2 ni.. Kat kotak tulis expiry date lambat lagi tapi bila skali nak minum tahap basi mcm dah lama peram pulak.. Fobia beb... huhhhhh..

Kalau perkara sebegini jadi kat pengguna, siapa yg patut dipersalahkan? Pengeluar produk atau penjual?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What a really stressed life..

That's the only word i can say now.....

Friday, February 12, 2010

Chinese New Year vs Valentine's Day

It's double luck of love for this year!! This 14th of February a lot of people especially Chinese will celebrate Chinese New Year. But, at the same we also will celebrate Valentine's Day...

This year, the Year Of The Tiger, and Chinese New Year has fallen on the same day as Valentine’s Day. That's mean this entire year 2010 is going to be filled with passion and capable of great love!!

Gong Xi Fa Cai!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

I think...

I think.... I would like to find another job.. It's not bcoz i dont like my job now. I do really like my job now, even there were certain part that im not really like about our company's management.. Hmm.. What should i do? It's not easy to find new job now..

(Send using mobile phone)

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